Councillor Angus Thompson has provided his latest report on matters concerning his district. To read the full report please go to the meetings page
Stanwick Arms, High Green, Aldbrough St John Richmond Variation of Condition 1 attached to planning permission 21/00255/Full Planning Consultation - The Stanwick.pdf
Richmond Rural Police Report for January 2025 I forward the Richmond rural police report for January 2025. As always if there are any parish council meetings you wish for myself or the team to attend, questions or queries then please do get in touch. Kind Regards, Elliot Brown Collar Number : 3570 PCSO Parish Report January 2025_1.pdf
Date of next meeting Monday 3rd March2025 Meeting to be held in the Vestry of St Johns Church, Stanwick
Neighbourhood Watch
Alerts from our local neighbourhood watch team
WhatsApp Scam
We are continuing to see victims targeted on WhatsApp by criminals pretending to be someone they know – typically their children.
Criminals will usually begin the conversation with “Hello Mum” or “Hello Dad” and will say that they are texting from a new mobile number as their phone was lost or damaged. They will then ask for money to purchase a new one, or claim that the...
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